Message from the Vice Provost
The beginning of an academic year is always a time of exhilaration and hope, with a touch of uncertainty. The excitement that abounds on campus each fall is palpable. While 2021-22 will look slightly different than years past – yet far more “normal” than the last year – I continue to reflect on all we have accomplished during this most challenging and unusual period.
We are glad to be back on campus! Back to busy spaces and even busier services. Back to greeting students and working alongside faculty and staff to offer an unrivaled academic experience. Back to taking in all of the energy that makes the UW-Madison campus so exhilarating. Moving through the challenges of safely reopening our campus was and continues to be a huge undertaking. Through it all, I am deeply grateful to and proud of my Libraries colleagues and their ability to rise above when needed most.
As we look forward, it is essential to note that we never lost sight of our mission and strategic directions, even with all we faced. We continue to advance emerging research, pursue educational innovation, broaden and deepen access to important resources, revitalize our spaces, develop our organizational strength, and realize our values.
The work related to these directions continued. In many cases, we thrived as we demonstrated the impact and value of our efforts to the research, teaching, and learning at UW-Madison. We have re-engaged a full program of in-person services, continued to focus on our equity and diversity strategic plan, collaborated on several impactful partnerships, strengthened our capacity to preserve digital objects and artifacts, and so much more. You’ll see several examples of our work on this issue.
I am energized and excited as the campus regains its vitality. We look forward to enjoying the company and collaboration of our colleagues in person. Our campus community brings joy – and I am so thankful to be back.
Be well and On, Wisconsin!
Lisa R. Carter