Popular Library Resources Available to University Employees
To accompany the Employee Benefits and Resource Fair, we put together a list of some of our most popular library resources used by staff. UW-Madison Libraries are proud to provide services to staff, faculty, and students.
As an employee of UW-Madison, your Wiscard is your library card and you have access to all library locations. This also includes access to any book within the UW system, our reservable rooms, and overnight access to College Library, our 24/5 library. You can always use our Request a Copy service to choose where to pick-up items, so pick the library that’s convenient for you.
If you have any questions, then please Ask a Librarian!
The libraries provide you with free access to the digital New York Times and the Wall Street Journal.
You can also access other newspapers and magazines through our databases, including Consumer Reports. Check out our Newspaper Research Guide to learn more.
A wide-variety of technology and equipment can be checked out from the libraries! In partnership with the DoIT InfoLabs program, we provide access to equipment from laptops and iPads to high-quality video equipment and microphones. If it is available, then you can borrow it.
Some items, like our Video Recording Kit and Video Game Consoles, must be reserved in advance.
Tool Library
Located at College Library, this collection features tools such as: a power drill, a soldering kit, a sewing machine, an air compressor, and button makers, the Tool Library is always expanding.
Access the Tool Library in Advanced Search on our library website.
Open Book Collection
Located at College Library, this collection offers board games, non-academic books (including graphic novels), magazines, and video games, the Open Book Collection has something for everyone.
Click on the following links to view them in our Catalog:
- Board games
- Non-academic books
- Magazines (in-library use only)
- Video games
We encourage you to come in and browse these collections in-person!
Cookbook Collection
Although this collection located at Steenbock Library is primarily used for research, anyone with an interest or need for a cookbook can check them out. The Cookbook Collection research guide provides an overview of this unique collection, but it is best viewed in-person.
Movie and Audio Streaming
With Kanopy, you have access to hundreds of streaming videos. Once you create an account with Kanopy, then you can also link your Madison Public Library account to gain access to even more movies. This is just one out of our dozens of Audio / Video databases.
Interested in learning more about our music collection? Visit or contact the Mills Music Library!
Ebooks and Audiobooks
Our catalog contains 3.3 million electronic resources, many of which are academic in nature.
We also provide access to more popular ebooks and audiobooks through the Overdrive website or the Libby App. Once you make an account with the Libby App, then you can also link your Madison Public Library account to gain access to even more titles.
Keep up to date with your favorite scholarly journals using BrowZine. You can build your own digital bookshelf with saved journals and easily access them from your computer or mobile device.
Google Scholar and UW
Use Google Scholar more efficiently by linking it with our Find It service. This will add a “Find It at UW-Madison” link if an article appears in one of the databases we subscribe to. This will allow you to access a lot more articles while off campus!
Genealogy Services
You have access to the Ancestry Library database. If your ancestor was connected to UW-Madison, then the University Archives might be able to help. You can also try the Wisconsin Historical Society for a broader search.