11th Annual Maureen Grant Memorial Blood Drive

UW–Madison Librarians have honored the memory of longtime colleague, Maureen Grant, who passed away in 2011, by holding a blood drive with the American Red Cross. Maureen was a lifelong Red Cross blood donor who frequently donated at the libraries’ blood drives and in her hometown of New Glarus, Wisconsin.
The 11th Annual Maureen Grant Memorial Blood Drive will be held on Monday, June 12 from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in 116 Memorial Library.
Appointments strongly encouraged. Schedule yours today!
RedCrossBlood.org | 1-800-RED CROSS
Blood Donor App | Sponsor Code: uwLibraries
This June, to thank donors, all those who come to give blood June 1-30, 2023, will receive a $10 gift card by email.