Dean Erla P. Heyns

Dean and Vice Provost of Libraries, UW-Madison


Memorial Library
Room 372F
728 State St.
Madison, WI 53706


Erla P. Heyns joined the University of Wisconsin–Madison as Dean and Vice Provost of Libraries on Jan. 1, 2024, after serving since 2016 as associate professor and Head of Humanities, Social Sciences, Education, and Business Library and since 2022 as associate dean for learning at Purdue University Libraries and School of Information Studies.

Previously, she held roles at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, as the director of the Flower/Sprecher Veterinary Library and the coordinator for the engineering, math, and physical sciences libraries. Before that, she was the head of Indiana University’s Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Library.

Research Areas

Academic library leadership, management, and administration with a specialization in mentoring.


Heyns, Erla P. and Judith M. Nixon (October 1, 2020) “Designing a Mentoring Program for Faculty Librarians.” IFLA Journal. 46 (3), 197-206. [Refereed]

Hannah, Matthew, Erla P. Heyns, and Rikk Mulligan (October 2020) “Inclusive Infrastructure: Digital Scholarship Centers and the Academic Library Liaison.” Portal: Libraries and the Academy, 20 (4) 693-714.  [Refereed]

Dilworth, Kathryn and Erla P. Heyns. (September 2020) “Fundraising in Academic Libraries: Looking Back and Defining New Questions.” Journal of Academic Librarianship. 46 (5), 1-6. [Refereed]

Heyns, Erla P., Erin R.B. Eldermire and Heather A. Howard. (September 2019) “Unsubstantiated Conclusions: A Scoping Review on Generational Differences of Leadership in Academic Libraries.”  The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 45 (5), 1-7. [Refereed]

Burrows, Trevor, Robert S. Freeman, Erla P. Heyns and Jean-Pierre V. M. Hérubel (July 2019) “Humanities and Social Sciences Dissertation Bibliographies and Collections: The View from a STEM University.” Portal: Libraries and the Academy, 19(3), 511-534. [Refereed]

Heyns, Erla P. and Sasja Huijts (2018) Fostering a Culture of Project Management Practices – a Maturity Model for Libraries in Alice Daugherty, Samantha Schmehl Hines (ed.) Project Management in the Library Workplace (Advances in Library Administration and Organization, Volume 38).  Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 19-35. [Refereed]