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WISELearn provides a centralized location for connecting Wisconsin educators and sharing classroom and professional learning resources. This free site brings Wisconsin content to one easy to search spot. WISELearn is a Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction resource. The College & Lifelong Learning Hub is a subset of WISELearn focused on resources for post-high-school teaching and learning.
When you create content for your students, you may also be creating useful resources for other students. WISELearn provides a platform for you to share your content with other teachers. You may also find existing resources that you can customize to use in your own courses.
If you have created a resource of potential interest to instructors beyond UW-Madison, you can share them in WISELearn.
If you are looking for freely available resources to integrate into your teaching materials, WISELearn and the College & Lifelong Learning Hub may connect you with useful content.
As you navigate copyright issues related to how you share content you’ve created or connect your students with existing content, contact the the libraries’ Head of Scholarly Communication Carrie Nelson.
For each piece of content you’ve incorporated into an instructional resource, consider the following:
If none of these is the case, you may still be able to share the content as a fair use. Just because you’ve relied on fair use to incorporate this content into a resource you share with your students won’t necessarily mean that you’ll be comfortable sharing it with other teachers in these platforms.
For example, you may incorporate some high-resolution images of copyrighted artwork into teaching materials because the high resolution is necessary for your teaching purpose and you’re willing to rely on fair use because the impact on the potential market for purchase of image is minimal since you only make the materials available to your students. If you now make those materials more widely available, you may be more likely to have an impact on the market for the original and decide you’re not willing to rely on fair use for that purpose.