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Adoption & safe families act of 1997: the essential voice of child advocates (1999)
HV875.55 A3637 1999
Age and outrage (1977)
HV1451 A54 1977c
The anonymous people (2013)
RC564 A536 2013 [DVD]
Being gay: coming out in the 21st century (2003) [gay activism]
HQ76 B44 2003 [VHS] [Films on Demand/streaming 2005]
Bully (2013) (PG-13 version)
LB3011.5 B85 2013
A closer walk (2003) [AIDS/HIV]
RA644 A25 C5 2003 [VHS]
Counseling Latina/o children and adolescents : cross-cultural issues (2004) [educational counseling /racial harassment]
LB1027.5 C669 2004
Critical resistance: beyond the prison industrial complex (1999)
HV9456 C75 1999
Elder abuse interventions: the social worker’s role (2000)
HV6626.3 E436 2000
For the children (1995)
HV713 A33 1995
Gaining ground : rights of consumers of mental health services in Wisconsin (1996)
RA790.65 W6 G35 1996
Hidden victims: children of domestic violence (1999)
HV6626.2 H54 1999
Igniting the revolution: an introduction to the Earth Liberation Front (2001)
GE195 N67 2001
Jane Addams Hull-House : an experiment in democracy (2006)
HV4196 C4 J36 2007
Making whiteness visible (Mirrors of privilege) (2006)
E184 A1 M58 2006
Mirrors of privilege : making whiteness visible (2006)
E184 A1 M58 2006
The motherhood manifesto (2006)
HQ759 M854 2006 [DVD] [Docuseek2/streaming 2016]
Myles Horton, Paulo Friere & friends gather at Highlander (1987)
LB885 H64 M9 1987
The new heroes: their bottom line is lives (2005)
HD60 N49 2005
Organizing for power : the Alinsky approach (1999)
Power and control : domestic violence in America (2010)
HV6626.2 P6942 2010
Resistance conspiracy (1990)
HV9471 R45 1990
Restoring the sacred circle (2002) [elder abuse]
E98 A27 R47 2002
Role of the social worker in terminal care (1996)
HV3000 R65 1996
Serving crime victims with disabilities : the time is now (2001)
HV6250.4 H35 S47 2001
Small justice: little justice in America’s family courts (2001)
HV6570.7 S635 2001
Ten more good years (2008)
HQ76.27 O44 T46 2008
This is what democracy looks like (2000)
HF1385 T45 2000 [VHS]
Troop 1500: girl scouts beyond bars (2004) [project initiated by social worker]
HV9475 T4 T75 2004
Walk the walk, Yahara House, civil rights march on Washington, DC [1998];
Interviews, Ann Arbor Community Access Television, 1985 (1998)
HV3004 .W35 1998
When I came home (2006)
UB357 W46 2006 [DVD]