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203 days (2006)
R726.8 T96 2006
Aging in America : the years ahead (2003)
HQ1064 U5 A35 2003 [VHS] HQ1064 U5 A45 2003 [DVD]
Alzheimer disease: the patient’s perspective (2005)
RC523 A3965 2005 [VHS] RC523 A3965 2005 [DVD]
Alzheimer’s : a multi-cultural perspective (1992) [DVD, 2013]
RC523 .A37 1992 [DVD 2013] RC523 A59 1992 [VHS]
Caregivers’ journey (1996)
HV1451 C374 1996
Care of the dying (1993)
A closer walk (2003)[ AIDS/ HIV]
RA644 A25 C5 2003 [VHS]
Developing cultural competency (2002)
RT61 D47 2002
Difficult conversations in pediatric palliative care (2004)
R726.8 D5 2004
Doubles: Japan and America’s intercultural children (1995)
HQ777.9 D68 1995
Dress him while he walks (1995)
RC523 D74 1995
Dying with dignity : experiences in the Netherlands (2001)
R726 D436 2001
Embracing the rainbow: mental health and Anglo elderly (2005)
RC451.5 A2 E64 2005
Embracing the rainbow : mental health and Native American elderly (2005)
RC451.5 I5 E64 2005
Embracing the rainbow : mental health and the Hispanic elderly (2005)
RC451.5 H57 E64 2005
Full circle (1997)
HQ1063.6 F8 1997
Growing up & growing old: caring for our parents (2002)
HQ1063.6 G76 2002
Healing the spirit : treatment of depression among the Asian elderly (2005)
RC537.5 H43 2005 [VHS & DVD]
How to communicate with someone who has Alzheimer’s disease or related dementia (2001)
RC523 H69 2001
I need it to make sense: reflections on caring for dying children and their families (2003)
R726.8 I2 2003
Letting go: a hospice journey (2003)
R726.8 L45 2003
A Lion in the house: five children, six years : true stories from the war on cancer
RC281 C4 L56 2006
Lost childhood : growing up in an alcoholic family (2004)
HV5132 L68 2004
Mental health and Anglo elderly (2005)
RC451.5 A2 E64 2005
Mental health and Native American elderly (2005)
RC451.5 I5 E64 2005
Mental health and the Hispanic elderly (2005)
RC451.5 H57 E64 2005
More than a thousand tomorrows (2003) [Alzheimer’s Disease]
RC523 M67 2003 [VHS]
Multicultural perspectives on adults with developmental disabilities (2002)
HV1553 M85 2002 [VHS] [Films on Demand/streaming 2006]
The patron saints (2014)
RA997 .P38 2014
Role of the social worker in terminal care (1996)
HV3000 R65 1996
The Senior Gems : your guide to supporting family members with dementia (2011)
RC523 S46 2011
Spirituality in palliative care (2003)
R726.8 S65 2003
Teen’s view of grief: an educational videotape for bereavement caregivers (1994)
BF724.3 G73 T44 1994
Ten more good years (2008)
HQ76.27 O44 T46 2008
There is a bridge (2007)
RC523 T574 2007
When all is said and done: an introduction to the family meeting (1994) [facing death]
R726.8 W44 1994