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(See also Hospice/Palliative Care)
203 days (2006)
R726.8 T96 2006
Aging in America : the years ahead (2003)
HQ1064 U5 A35 2003 [VHS] HQ1064 U5 A45 2003 [DVD]
Be good, smile pretty (2004) [Vietnam war]
DS559.8 P7 B42 2004
Big mama (2000)
HQ759.9 B54 2000 [VHS] [Black Studies/streaming 2000] [Films on Demand/streaming 2012]
Care of the dying (1993)
Caregivers’ journey (1996)
HV1451 C374 1996
Carved from the heart (1997)
BF575 G7 C37 1997 [VHS] BF575.G7 C37 2007 [DVD 2007]
A closer walk (2003)[ AIDS/ HIV]
RA644 A25 C5 2003 [VHS]
Cold storage : ethical issues in the end-stage of life (2007?)
PS3568 I2 C6 2007
Consider the conversation (2011)
R726.8 C36 2011
A conspiracy of silence (1993)
BF789 D4 C66 1993
Cultural diversity in death, dying and grief : customs and traditions : Latino/Hispanic, Asian, African American and Native American (2004)
R726.8 C85 2004
Depression & suicidal behavior in adolescents (1995)
HV6546 D46 1995
Difficult conversations in pediatric palliative care (2004)
R726.8 D5 2004
A family undertaking (2003)
GT3203 F36 2003 [DVD] [Docuseek2/streaming 2017]
Full circle (1997)
HQ1063.6 F8 1997
The Gifts of grief (2005)
BF575 G7 G54 2005
Grief in America (1997)
BF575 G7 A85 1997 [VHS] [Docuseek2/streaming 2017]
Growing old in a new age (1993)
HQ1064 U5 G76 1993
Growing up & growing old: caring for our parents (2002)
HQ1063.6 G76 2002
Helping children grieve (2009)
BF723 G75 H3449 2009
Home of the brave [Civil rights murder] (2003)
E185.98 L58 H64 2003
How to communicate with someone who has Alzheimer’s disease or related dementia (2001)
RC523 H69 2001
I need it to make sense: reflections on caring for dying children and their families (2003)
R726.8 I2 2003
Inner views of grief (1995)
BF724.3 G73 I56 1994
Legacy (2000) [African American family /Chicago]
F548.9 N4 L44 2000
The Legacy of unresolved loss: a family systems approach (1996)
RC455.4 L67 M32 1996 [VHS]
A Lion in the house: five children, six years : true stories from the war on cancer
RC281 C4 L56 2006
Lost childhood : growing up in an alcoholic family (2004) [loss of parent to alcoholism]
HV5132 L68 2004
One journey—many voices: conversations about serious illness & dying (2003)
RA418.3 U6 O54 2003
Restoring the sacred circle (2002) [elder abuse/ loss of status, language, traditions]
E98 A27 R47 2002
Richard Cardinal: cry from a diary of a Métis child (1986) [suicide]
HV745 A7 R53 1986 [VHS] [Docuseek2/streaming 2015]
Role of the social worker in terminal care (1996)
HV3000 R65 1996
The secret maps project : 3 films (2015)
BF575.G7 B725 2015
1) The secret map of surviving loss
2) Good grieving: a guide to group facilitation
3) An introduction to group grieving and healing
She’s leaving me: a four-stage treatment model for men… w/ relationship loss (1996)
BF575 D35 S53 1996 [VHS]
Spirituality in palliative care (2003)
R726.8 S65 2003
Teenage suicide (1987)
HV6546 T446 1987
Teenage suicide : the silent threat
HV6546 T445 2002
Teen’s view of grief: an educational videotape for bereavement caregivers (1994)
BF724.3 G73 T44 1994
Ten more good years (2008)
HQ76.27 O44 T46 2008
There was a child (1991)
RG648 S56 1991
Transcending the limits: near-death experience (1993)
BF1045 N4 T7 1993
When all is said and done: an introduction to the family meeting (1994)
R726.8 W44 1994