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203 days (2006)
R726.8 T96 2006
Adopted : we can do better (2008)
HV875.64 A36 2008 [DVD] [Films on Demand/streaming 2014]
Allen & Dyanne : the intersection of fatherhood and domestic violence in the African American community (2007)
HV6626.2 A52 2007
Alzheimer disease: the patient’s perspective (2005)
RC523 A3965 2005 [VHS] RC523 A3965 2005 [DVD]
Alzheimer’s disease: a multi-cultural perspective (1992)
RC523 .A37 1992 [DVD 2013] RC523 A59 1992 [VHS]
Be good, smile pretty (2004) [families of war veterans]
DS559.8 P7 B42 2004
Beyond the butterfly: middle school girls speak out (1999)
HQ799 U6 B49 1999
Bicultural parenting for Southeast Asian families : [family stories] [Helping youth succeed] (1999)
HQ755.7 H4415 1999
Big mama (2000)
HQ759.9 B54 2000 [VHS] [Black Studies/streaming 2000] [Films on Demand/streaming 2012]
Breaking the silence : lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer foster youth tell their stories : a tool for training care providers on working effectively with LGBTQ youth (2005)
RC569.5 A28 B8 1993 [VHS] HQ72.U6 B74 2011 [DVD]
Care of the dying (1993)
Caught in the crossfire: children of gay and lesbian parents (2002)
HQ777.8 C384 2002 [VHS] [Films on Demand/streaming 2005]
Century of women (1994)–v. 1: Work and family
HQ1426 C4 1994
Child protective services (2002)
HV6626.53 S38 C45 2002
Consequences of child abuse allegations for foster families : five perspectives (1991)
HV8079 C46 C674 1991
Conspiracy of silence : helping the patient and family live with terminal illness (1993)
BF789 D4 C66 1993
Constructing the multi-generational genogram: exploring a problem in context (1983)
RC488.5 C66 1983
A contract for change : mobilizing the African American community to end domestic violence (2007)
HV6626.2 C645 2007
Contracting for permanency planning. Parts 1 & 2. Produced by Prof. Ron Rooney (1981)
HV873 C66 1981
Counseling in challenging contexts (2011)
BF636.6 U542 2011
Counseling Latina/o children and adolescents : cross-cultural issues (2004) [educational counseling]
LB1027.5 C669 2004
Creating a family (1992)
HV875 C73 1992
Cultural competency in the treatment of African-American couples (2005) [family systems]
RC451.5 N4 C85 2005
Daddy & papa (2002)
HQ75.28 U6 D33 2002 [VHS]
Daddy strategies for the 21st century : involving men in children’s lives (1997)
HQ756 D3 1993
Depression & suicidal behavior in adolescents (1995) [adolescents and mothers]
HV6546 D46 1995
Different kind of caring: family therapy with Carl Whitaker (1992)
RC488.5 D53 1992
Domino: interracial people and the search for identity (1995)
F1035 A1 D66 1995
Doubles : Japan and America’s intercultural children (1995)
HQ777.9 D68 1995
Dr. Carl Whitaker does therapy with a role play family (1976)
RC488.5 D7 1976
End broken promises, mend broken hearts (2003) [children of addicted parents ]
HV5132 C455 2003
Families & households (2005)
HQ515 F343 2005
Families first (1992)
HQ536 F347 1992 [VHS]
Family communication, #112, Sexuality and family communication (1998)
BF637 C45 F349 1998
The family journey: raising gender nonconforming children [The youth & gender media project :
two films about gender non-conforming youth] (2010)
HQ77.9 Y678 2010 [DVD]
Family sculpting (1979)
RC488.5 F3336 1979
Family systems therapy (2000) VHS
RC488.5 F3339 2000 [VHS] RC488.5 .F33386 2009 [DVD]
Family therapy training: a look at an extended family
RC488.5 F366 1983
Family therapy with the experts
Family treatment : workshop by Carla Fasting 8/10/93 (1993)
HV697 F365 1993
A family undertaking (2003)
GT3203 F36 2003 [DVD] [Docuseek2/streaming 2017]
Fatherhood USA (2000)– pt. 2: Juggling family & work.
HQ756 F384 2000
Foo-foo dust [mother and son] (2003)
HV5833 S25 F66 2003
For families: bridging domestic violence and child abuse (1999)
HV6626.2 F692 1999
Foster care : a system in crisis (2006) [Title IV-E Grant]
HV875 F67 F67 2006
The Foster Care System Simulation (1981)
HV875 F674 1981
Full circle (1997)
HQ1063.6 F8 1997
Functional family therapy (2004)
RC488.5 F85 2004
The Gifts of grief (2005)
BF575 G7 G54 2005
Growing up & growing old: caring for our parents (2002)
HQ1063.6 G76 2002
Hardwood: a black family’s story (2004)[African Americans]
E185.86 H372 2004
Healing the spirit : treatment of depression among the Asian elderly (2005)
RC537.5 H43 2005
Helping youth succeed : bicultural parenting for Southeast Asian families : [family stories] (1999)
HQ755.7 H4415 1999
Here one day (2012)
RC516 H47 2012 [DVD]
Hidden victims: children of domestic violence (1999)
HV6626.2 H54 1999
Hidden wounds (2006)
RC552 P67 H53 2006 [DVD] [Docuseek2/streaming 2017]
I am a promise : the children of Stanton Elementary School (2005)[African American families]
LC5133 P5 I36 2005
Illness in the family : children confronting uncertainty (2011)
RA777.7 .I45 2011
I’m just Anneke [The youth & gender media project : two films about gender nonconforming youth] (2010)
HQ77.9 Y678 2010 [DVD]
In God’s house : Asian American lesbian and gay families in the church (2007)
HQ76.2 U5 I5 2007
Invisible young : a story of grit, resilience, and redemption (2012)
HV4506 S43 I68 2012
Juggling work and family (2001)
HD4904.25 J84 2001
Legacy (2000)[African American family /Chicago]
F548.9 N4 L44 2000
The Legacy of unresolved loss: a family systems approach (1996)
RC455.4 L67 M32 1996 [VHS]
Let’s get married
HQ536 L46 2002
Letting go: a hospice journey (2003)
R726.8 L45 2003
A Lion in the house: five children, six years : true stories from the war on cancer
RC281 C4 L56 2006
Living with schizophrenia (2003)
RC514 L585 2003
Lost childhood : growing up in an alcoholic family (2004)
HV5132 L68 2004
Love & Diane (2003)
HV5833 N45 L688 2003
Michael’s journey (2003) [children of addicted parents]
HV5132 C455 2003
Mihi’s Whanau : a Maori care and protection story (2000)
HV802.5 M54 2000
Mixed-race identities (2006)
HV3176 M59 2006
More than a thousand tomorrows (2003)
RC523 M67 2003 [VHS]
The motherhood manifesto (2006)
HQ759 M854 2006 [DVD] [Docuseek2/streaming 2016]
Multidimensional family therapy (2009)
RC488.5 M85 2009
The next generation (1998) *Title IV-E
RC564 N49 1998 [VHS]
Omar and Pete (2005)
HV9304 O52 2005
One journey—many voices: conversations about serious illness & dying (2003)
RA418.3 U6 O54 2003
Our House: a very real documentary about kids of gay and lesbian parents (2000)
HQ777.8 O86 2000 [VHS] [DVD] [Docuseek2/streaming 2015]
Outlet (2006) [gay youth]
LC2574.5 O8 2006
Palliative care : care for terminally ill patients (2003)
R726.8 P35 2003
Perfect illusions : eating disorders and the family (2002)
RC552 E18 P47 2002
Permanency planning : work with the family of an adolescent (1981)
HV785 P36 1981
Positive images of aging (2007)
HQ1061 P66 2007 [DVD] [Docuseek2/streaming 2007]
Poverty, welfare and America’s families: a hard look (1992)
HC110 P6 P76 1992
Psychotherapy with gay, lesbian and bisexual clients (2005)
RC558 P7923 2005 [VHS]
Psychotherapy with the experts (series)
Restoring the sacred circle (2002)
E98 A27 R47 2002
Safe return initiative : addressing domestic violence among men and their families from the penitentiary to the community (2005)
HV6626.2 S244 2005
Safe return initiative II : building bridges (2006)
HV6626.2 S25 2006
Satir therapy (1999) VHS
BF637 C6 S28 1999
Satir family therapy with Jean McLendon, LCSW (2010)
RC488.5 .S248 2010 [DVD]
A sentence apart [2010]
HV8886.U5 S466 2010 [DVD]
Shattered dreams : a video that shares the family’s stories (1993)
RC464 A1 M37 1993 [VHS] [Filmmakers Library/streaming 1990]
A short term systems intervention model for family assessment and intervention (1978)
RC488.5 S567 1978
Silent sacrifices :voices of the Filipino American family (2008?) [DVD]
E184.F4 S55 2008
Small justice: little justice in America’s family courts (2001)
HV6570.7 S635 2001
A step along the way :a family with a drug problem (2013?)
RC488.5 .S745 2013 [DVD]
Stepping into Latino realities (2004?)
E184 S75 S7 2004
Structural therapy (1998)
RC488.5 S778 1998
Tales from Arab Detroit (1995)
E184 A65 T354 1995
Teen sex (2004)
HQ27 T4226 2004
Teenage suicide (1987)
HV6546 T446 1987
Teenage suicide : the silent threat
HV6546 T445 2002
Trading beliefs: four Hmong families consider relinquishing their traditional health beliefs (1997)
E184 H55 T73 1997
Troop 1500: girl scouts beyond bars (2004)[mothers & daughters]
HV9475 T4 T75 2004
203 days (2006)
R726.8 T96 2006
Understanding the defiant child (1997)
HQ769 U63 1997
We are family (1987)
HQ777.8 W4 1987 [VHS] [Filmmakers Library/streaming 1988]
When all is said and done: an introduction to the family meeting (1994)
R726.8 W44 1994
When chronic illness strikes your family (1989)
RC108 M437 1989
When the bough breaks (2001)
HV8886 U5 W48 2001 [VHS] [Filmmakers Library/streaming 2001]
Working with birth parents. I, Visitation
*Title IV-E Grant
HQ759.7 W67 2009
Working with women survivors of trauma and abuse (2004) [counseling session with Latina client]
HV6626 W67 2004 [VHS] RC451.4.W6 W67 2005 [DVD]
The youth & gender media project : two films about gender non-conforming youth (2010)
HQ77.9 Y678 2010 [DVD]