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Adoption & safe families act of 1997: creative strategies for permanency (1999)
HV875.55 A32 1999
Adoption & safe families act of 1997: the essential voice of child advocates (1999)
HV875.55 A3637 1999
Big mama (2000)
HQ759.9 B54 2000 [VHS] [Black Studies/streaming 2000] [Films on Demand/streaming 2012]
Borderline: the people vs. Eunice Baker (2004) [DVD]
HV6133 G78 2004 [DVD]
Child protective services (2002)
HV6626.53 S38 C45 2002
Delivering justice. All the king’s men : picking up the pieces (2006)
HV6769 D449 2006
Farmingville (2004)
F128.9 M4 F37 2004
Foster care (1998) *Title IV-E Grant
HV875 F668 1998
Gaining ground : rights of consumers of mental health services in Wisconsin (1996)
RA790.65 W6 G35 1996
Girl trouble : girls tell their truth about the juvenile justice system (2004)
HV9105 C2 G57 2004 [VHS]
Glad to be gay : Madison gay history (1980)
HQ76.2 W6 G53 1980
Hidden victims: children of domestic violence (1999)
HV6626.2 H54 1999
Howie, the harp: show #13 (1990)
KFC605.6 H58 1990
Interviewing for child sexual abuse : a forensic guide (1998) *Title IV-E
HV8079 C48 I58 1998
Love & Diane (2003)[child neglect]
HV5833 N45 L688 2003
Mandated reporting (2006) [Title IV-E Grant]
HV8079 C46 M35 2006
The Massie affair: was murder justified to defend his wife’s honor? (2005)
KF224 M3 M37 2005
No! Confronting sexual assault in our community(2006)
HV6250.4 W65 N6 2006
Not me, not mine : adult survivors the foster care system (2003)
HV885 N5 N68 2003
Ojibwe treaty rights : connections to land & water (2011)
KF8228 C6 O35 2011
One journey—many voices: conversations about serious illness & dying (2003) [living will]
RA418.3 U6 O54 2003
Palliative care : care for terminally ill patients (2003)[advance directives]
R726.8 P35 2003
Restoring the sacred circle (2002) [elder abuse]
E98 A27 R47 2002
Rodney King incident: race and justice in America (1998)
HV8148 L552 R636 1998
Shadows : the sex offender next door (1999)
HV6626.53 O7 S53 1999 [VHS] [Films on Demand/streaming 2006]
Small justice: little justice in America’s family courts (2001)
HV6570.7 S635 2001
Testifying about child sexual abuse : a courtroom guide (1998) *Title IV-E Grant
KF9672 T47 1998
Testifying in court : a guide for child protective service workers (2006)
KF3735 T47 2006
Understanding the Indian Child Welfare Act (1995)
HV741 U43 1995