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(see also Counseling)
60 minutes: Miracle on 43rd street [occupational therapy] (1997) w/ Update
RM735.42 M57 1997 [VHS][60 Minutes/streaming 1999]
Abused woman: a survivor therapy approach (1994)
RC489 W35 1994 [VHS]
Addiction : a 14-part series (2007)
RC564 A323 2007
Affirmative psychotherapy with gay clients (2012)
RC451.4 G39 A44 2012
Anger coping: a small group intervention to address anger and aggression in the school setting (1996)
BF723 A4 L27 1996
The anxious patient (1979)
RC552 H8 A59 1979
The art of integrative counseling (2001)
BF637 C6 A78 2001
The basics of psychotherapy (1984)
(Methadone training series)
RC568 M4 B37 1984
Being gay: coming out in the 21st century (2003) [gay therapist comments]
HQ76 B44 2003 [VHS] [Films on Demand/streaming 2005]
Breast cancer (2003)
RC280 B8 B67 2003
Brief therapy with adolescents (2007)
RJ503 B75 2007
But names can hurt forever: a study of emotional abuse, or “psychological maltreatment”
RC569.5 P75 B87 1997
Can you see my pain? (2000)
RC569.5 S48 C36 2000
Child of rage : a story of abuse (1990)
RC569.5.C55 C55 1990
Cognitive-behavior therapy (1998) [Psychotherapy with the experts]
RC489 C63 C632 1998
Cognitive-behavior therapy (2006) DVD
RC489.C63 C64 2006
Cognitive-behavior therapy for depression: 5 tape set (2000)
RC480.5 C577 2000 [VHS format] RC537 C6 2000 [DVD]
Constructing the multi-generational genogram: exploring a problem in context (1983)
RC488.5 C66 1983
Counseling Latina/o children and adolescents : cross-cultural issues (2004)
LB1027.5 C669 2004
Counseling the multiracial population: couples, individuals, families (2002)
HV3176 C683 2002
Cultural competency in the treatment of African-American couples (2005)
RC451.5 N4 C85 2005
Culturally responsive cognitive-behavioral therapy in practice (2012)
RC489 C63 C858 2012
The culture of emotions : a cultural competence and diversity training program (2005)
RC455.4 E8 C84 2005 [DVD] [Docuseek2/streaming 2014]
The depressed patient (1979)
RC537 O94 1979
Different kind of caring: family therapy with Carl Whitaker (1992)
RC488.5 D53 1992
Dr. Carl Whitaker does therapy with a role play family (1976)
RC488.5 D7 1976
EMDR: a closer look (1998)
RC489 E98 E43 1998
Essentials of play therapy with abused children (1998)
RJ507 A29 E87 1998
Facing diversity: responding to violence against women from diverse cultures (2000)
HV6250.4 W65 F33 2000
Family sculpting (1979)
RC488.5 F3336 1979
Family systems therapy (2000) VHS
RC488.5 F3339 2000 [VHS] RC488.5 .F33386 2009 [DVD]
Family therapy training: a look at an extended family
RC488.5 F366 1983
Family therapy with the experts
Feminist therapy over time (2009)
RC489 F45 F457 2009
Frank Farrelly explains provocative therapy (1969)
RC480.5 F326 1969
Frank Farrelly revisited 1978 : provocative therapy (1978)
RC480.5 F327 1978
Functional family therapy (2004)
RC488.5 F85 2004
Gaining ground : rights of consumers of mental health services in Wisconsin (1996)
RA790.65 W6 G35 1996
Gestalt therapy with Jim Simkin (1976)
RC489 G4 S55 1976
Gestalt therapy workshop with Jim Simkin (1983)
RC489 G4 S56 1983
The Gifts of grief (2005)
BF575 G7 G54 2005
Healing the spirit : treatment of depression among the Asian elderly (2005)
RC537.5 H43 2005
Helping children grieve (2009)
BF723 G75 H3449 2009
Helping skills in practice :a three-stage model (2009)
BF636.65 .H457 2009
Implosive therapy (1971)
RC489 B4 I47 1971
Insidious trauma : racism, sexism & heterosexism (2000) [vols. 1 & 2]
RC454.4 I67 2000
Integrative therapy (1998) [Psychotherapy with the experts series]
RC489 E24 I57 1998 [VHS]
The Legacy of unresolved loss: a family systems approach (1996)
RC455.4 L67 M32 1996 [VHS]
Managing oppositional youth (1997)
RJ507 B44 M36 1997
Many voices one journey (2001)
HV5137 M36 2001
Men and emotions: a psychoeducational approach (1997)
RC540 M46 1997
Mixed-race identities (2006)
HV3176 M59 2006
Motivational interviewing (2007)
RC480.55 M67 2007 [DVD]
Motivational interviewing : helping people change (2013)
RC480.7 M55 2013
Motivational strategies for promoting self-change (1995)
RC564.7 M67 1995
Multidimensional family therapy (2009)
RC488.5 M85 2009
The next generation (1998) *Title IV-E Grant
RC564 N49 1998 [VHS]
No! Confronting sexual assault in our community (2006)
HV6250.4 W65 N6 2006
Outlet (2006) [support group for gay youth]
LC2574.5 O8 2006
Partners in recovery : creating successful practitioner-consumer alliances (2000) [client/clinician interaction]
RC480.5 P37 2000
Play therapy for severe psychological trauma (1998) VHS
RJ505 P6 P55 1998
Play therapy for severe psychological trauma (1998) DVD
RJ505.P6 P63 1998b
Psychotherapy with gay, lesbian and bisexual clients (2005)
RC558 P7923 2005 [VHS]
Psychotherapy with the experts (series)
A question of power : mental health consumers and professionals (2005)
RA790.5 Q84 2005
Rational emotive therapy / lecture by Will Ortiz ; Suffolk Co. Drug Abuse Services (1984)
RC489 R3 R38 1984
Satir therapy (1999) [Psychotherapy with the experts series] VHS
BF637 C6 S28 1999
Satir family therapy with Jean McLendon, LCSW (2010)
RC488.5 .S248 2010 [DVD]
Shadows : the sex offender next door (1999)
HV6626.53 O7 S53 1999 [VHS] [Films on Demand/streaming 2006]
She’s leaving me: a four-stage treatment model for men… w/ relationship loss (1996)
BF575 D35 S53 1996 [VHS]
A short term systems intervention model for family assessment and intervention (1978)
RC488.5 S567 1978
Skills and techniques for group counseling with youth (1996 & 2010)
LB1027.5 S55 1996 [VHS] LB1027.5 .S55 2010z [DVD]
Solution focused therapy for addictions (1998) VHS
RC489 S65 S65 1998
Solution focused therapy with Insoo Kim Berg and Steve de Shazar (2008)
RC489.S65 S655 2008 [DVD]
A step along the way :a family with a drug problem (2013?)
RC488.5 .S745 2013 [DVD]
Strategies and tactics in the treatment of mood disorders (1995)
RC537 T74 1995
Structural therapy (1998)
RC488.5 S778 1998
Task-centered counseling with a couple (1980)
HV43 T367 1980
Techniques of play therapy: a clinical demonstration ([2006] 1994)
RJ505.P6 T43 2006
Therapeutic techniques for Hispanic, Black and American Indian clients (1981)
RC451.5 A2 T547 1981
There is a bridge (2007) [Naomi Feil]
RC523 T574 2007
Three counseling approaches : one adolescent client (2009)
BF724 T475 2009
Trauma treatment for adults (2000)
RC552 T7 T74 2000
Treating adult children of alcoholics (1995)
HV132 T74 1995
Treating borderline personality; the dialectical approach (1995)
RC569.5 B67 L56 1995
Understanding borderline personality disorder: the dialectical approach (1995)
RC569.5 B67 L565 1995
Understanding the six forms of emotional child abuse (1999)
RC569.5 P75 U53 1999
When the mind causes pain (2004) [Aaron Beck]
RB127 W54 2004
Women beat the street (2000)
HV5824 W6 W66 2000
Working with African American clients (2005)
RC451.5 N4 W57 2005
Working with African American men (2011)
RC451.5 N4 W67 2011
Working with Arab Americans (2008)
RC451.5 A73 W67 2008
Working with hostile teens (1993)
HV1431 W665 1993
Working with resistant teens (1993)
HV1431 W666 1993
Working with women survivors of trauma and abuse (2004 & 2005)
HV6626 W67 2004 [VHS] RC451.4.W6 W67 2005 [DVD]
Workshop with Erv Polster, PhD (1978)
RC489 G4 P657 1978