Full STEAM Ahead, Science Expeditions 2019
Madison is a city rich with opportunities for exploring the sciences, engineering and affiliated disciplines. Explore what our university has to offer when its faculty, research staff and students share their work with our larger community during two events this weekend, Science Expeditions (Friday-Sunday, April 5-7) and Engineering Expo (Saturday, April 6).
Begin your expedition with exploration stations then venture to nearby “spectaculars” and open house venues. As partners in discovery, research and innovation, our Science & Engineering librarians connect library users with necessary resources. Our exploration station in the Discovery building will feature a hands-on activity using materials and equipment from among our kits that our active and aspiring educators can also use for sparking creative-thinking, prototyping, and skill-building.
There will be two venues of exploration stations. Visit the Discovery building on Saturday (10:00 AM-2:00 PM) and the School of Nursing Atrium (Signe Skott Cooper Hall) on Sunday (12:00 PM-3:00 PM).
Visit the “Science Outreach on Campus” site to view the Expeditions timetable for the day and to find links to the various destinations.
Science Expeditions and Engineering Expo are free and open to the public. A free trolley shuttle is available to take guests to satellite locations.