Library-by-Appointment Services
As we smartly-restart campus and attend to the guidelines set forth by “Research Reboot“, Steenbock Library is now available to visit by appointment. Our staff encourages faculty, staff, and graduate students to carefully consult the information posted to the Libraries Website about the campus libraries and collections that are available to access at this time. Forms for submitting a scheduled request indicate site specific details and instructions. At this stage, access to the Steenbock Library stacks and circulation desk is available by appointment, Tuesday through Thursday, from 9:00 AM until noon.
Please note that our staff remains available to consult with you about your research and instruction through email, live chat, and selected virtual platforms.
In addition to visiting by appointment, print materials from among several of our libraries (including Steenbock) are available for the pick-up-by-appointment service. Materials that are available to be requested through this service are routed for pick-up at Memorial Library only, and as scheduled, Monday through Friday, 1:00-5:00 PM.
Information about these evolving services will be continually updated at the COVID-19 Library Restart Dashboard.